Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Bad Breathe

Halitosis or bad breath is a common problem. Here are a few tips on how to help fight against bad breath.

Poor oral hygiene is the main factor of having bad breath. When particulate matter builds up in your mouth between your teeth and in your gums because you have not brushed or floss properly,the growth of bacteria within your mouth starts to expand.

This is not to say that bacteria in your mouth is unhealthy, however the bacteria that causes halitosis can be remedied and in fact there is a simple cure for having bad breath that many people do not take into consideration while they are popping breath mints to help spare their friends and family from the smell.

The easiest way to get rid of bad breath is to remove the debris that stores its self within our mouths in the form of dead skin cells, and particles of food that when they decay and produce foul smelling gases and scents.

Brushing your teeth and flossing on a regular basis is vital. This will help keep plaque and other residues from building up in your mouth which can lead to having bad breath. you also need to brush your tongue and even scrape it on a regular basis to inhibit bacterial buildup. You must always brush your gums gently as well.

The last thing you can do is to use some form of mouthwash that is antibacterial. Using mouthwash that merely makes your breath smell good is not what you need to purchase. Usually what you need is some kind of mouthwash and that usually tastes horrible because it has the antibacterial agents in it to help you avoid bad breathe.

Make sure when going out that you also carry a travel size tooth brush, tooth paste, mouth wash and floss. Just in case you go out to eat and especially if you eat something that will cause unpleasant odors to start forming. Popping a mint or gum will not be enough, you have to get rid of the food in your teeth and brush. Then you can pop a mint afterwards.

Theres nothing more uncomfortable than to be embarrassed over bad breathe, so take these precautions.