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Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Friday, September 10, 2010
Pros And Cons of Different Types Of Investments
When deciding where to invest your money, you need to always take into account your investment goals and objectives. Different types of investments carry varying degrees of risks and potential return.
A bank CD is a very safe investment. The CD is FDIC insured up to $100,000, so there truly is minimal risk. The only downside is that you cannot withdraw that money in the CD for a specific amount of time or else you'll receive a penalty. Bank CDs generally only pay up to 5% interest.
A bond is essentially a loan you make to a company or a government. Bonds have varying degrees of risk, from essentially risk-free treasuries to junk bonds. The higher the risk of the bond, the higher the return will generally be.
Stocks are investments in companies. Depending on the company, the risk of the investment can be high or low. Obviously, buying stock in Johnson and Johnson is a lot less risky than a new internet startup company. In general, the stock market returns on average about 10% a year, though the actual return of any given stock will vary significantly.
Mutual Funds
A mutual fund typically invests in over 100 stocks, so it's an instant way to diversify your portfolio. However, the mutual fund generally charges a fee, which is about 1% of your assets per year. Because of this fee, most mutual funds do not outperform the market; a monkey blindly picking 100 stocks but not charging you a fee could easily outperform most mutual funds.
Real Estate
Real estate is a popular investment. The most obvious real estate investment you'll make is when you purchase your home. Your home can go up or down in value when you sell it; it depends on the housing market in your area.
Source: http://www.articlecircle.com/ - Free Articles Directory
Want to Live Debt Free? These Tips Will Help
Tip #1. You need to admit there is a problem.
Is there not enough cash coming in or is it spent too quickly, or both? Is the money being spent on non-essentials? Is the income being spent unwisely on luxury items that you cannot really afford? Do you know how much you really have to spend? Do you know how much you owe and to whom?
You need to honestly answer these questions and be prepared to take some action.
Tip #2. You need a make a plan and stick to it.
First of all, you need to know your financial situation. Take out all your credit cards' statements and add up the outstanding balances. Make a plan to reduce the debt to a certain level within a fixed period of time. Once this is done there are tools you can use from the Internet to track your spending and your debt reduction.
Imagine what you will be able to do with the money you currently use to pay off debt.
Tip #3. Never add to your debt. Cut up the credit cards and live within your means.
Work out ways to cut down on your expenses so that you can live within your means. Start to put some funds aside for emergencies. You can cut down your expenses easily if you just think creatively. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.
a) Anything you need (not just want) can usually be bought at a sale. Commit to not buying at retail prices again. Look in newspapers, wait for sales and be patient.
b) Cook at home a lot more often. Freeze leftovers. Plan you food needs for the week. Make your lunch for work instead of buying it each day.
c) Read magazines, get DVDs and Videos for free from your local library.
d) Take up a hobby. Get busy - shop less. Maybe your hobby can create some income?
e) Give up the coffee bought while shopping or at work.
f) Maybe if you tried you could get away with only 1 car. Travel by bus or train if possible.
Tip #4. Don't compare yourself with others.
If you spend to keep up with others, think whether they may be in a similar position to you. Work out and understand how much you can spend and how much needs to be put aside for saving or emergencies.
Tip #5. Pay off one small debt completely.
This will give you a boost and help you keep on track more easily and you'll be more motivated to pay off all the debts.
Tip #6. Keep some fun money.
This process needs to be fun, not a misery. If it becomes a chore you will be tempted not to meet your goals. Keep some money aside that allows you the freedom to spend on things you want, occasionally. You'll feel so much better about spending on items that you can afford.
To truly solve your debt problems you need to keep yourself under control. There's no one else who can do this for you. Ask for God's help also. You'll be so glad you did, once the debt burden has been lifted and you can become your own person.
Source: http://www.articlecircle.com/ - Free Articles Directory
Monday, May 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
How to Patent your Invention or Idea
How to Patent your Invention or Idea
By: IC
Creativity and imagination is are qualities we are all born with, in some people these qualities tend to develop rather faster compared to others. Imagination has fueled our inherent desire to overcome obstacles and improve the tools we have available today, creativity on the other hand helps us create and materialize the ideas we have developed.
The process of invention is pleasant and rewarding but when it comes to obtaining a patent which makes you the legitimate owner of your creations and ideas the field changes. The first step towards obtaining a patent is to search the online database provided by through the government website which is in charge of keeping all of these records, this way you will know in an instant if your idea has already been patented or if it isn't.
The U.S. Patent Office is in charge of keeping all records related to invention and ideas, their site address is uspto.gov , all the paperwork and applications needed to process a new patent are available on both online and off-line sources. These forms can be filled out by yourself or with the help of an attorney if you don't feel quite comfortable with the process, however, must of the forms are straight forward, the information requested involves name of the inventor, description, functionality, drawings or charts and any other information pertinent to the idea being patented. The forms you will have to choose from are utility, plant and design; each one is intended for a specific kind of invention or idea.
You also need to be aware that there is a fee to have this paperwork processed. Once you have the information ready you can submit the form either electronically or in person. The person who reviews the form on behalf of the office will evaluate the information submitted and if it turns out your idea is unique you will get a patent which will protect your rights and will allow you to legally receive credits for your work.
The next step is to find an organization which helps inventors develop and market their ideas, this will launch your product full force into the market.
One more fact you need to be aware of is that this kind of protection is not permanent, depending on the application filed your idea is protected either 14 or 20 years. Twenty year protection applies to utility/plant and 14 year protection applies to design patents.
Always be patient and optimistic about the results of your submission, good luck!
About the Author
AbsolutelyNew.Zabmedia.com provides more information on idea patent procedures. Get an inventors guide to expose your product to the market, visit AbsolutelyNew today!
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - How to Patent your Invention or Idea
How Attorneys Help Inventors Patent Their Inventions
How Attorneys Help Inventors Patent Their Inventions
By: Abby Reid
Going through the procedure of patenting your invention can be both confusing and arduous – especially if it is your first time embarking on the invention and patent services process. However, you can avoid any unexpected conflicts by closely following the right steps – and by hiring yourself a patent law attorney. By using the help of a patent lawyer and adhering to the correct patent services series of actions, one can successfully market his invention.
Before choosing to hire a patent agent to patent your invention, you must first conduct some research. Take a close look your invention’s current market. For instance, if you have chosen to create a new type of cellular phone, one should examine the current marketing and purchasing trends of cellular phones.
* Why are cellular phones so popular? - Convenience, popularity
* Who uses cellular phones? – Practically everyone, from young children to the elderly
* What features to people look for when choosing a cellular phone? – This can change depending on the demographics. Elderly people are probably looking for a simple, easy-to-use phone that is accessible, while younger audiences and teenagers are looking for extra features that offer convenience and entertainment
* What makes certain cellular phones unique? Why are some phones more popular than others? - Certain cellular phones offer additional components and special abilities
* Why do people buy certain cellular phones more than others? Which types of features are popular? When are buying trends at their highest? – Compare and contrast your invention’s abilities to similar popular products
Examine how many competitors exist, which companies are the most successful in the market, the manner in which patented products similar to yours are being sold, how much they cost and who is buying them. After collecting this information, you can compare your product to those of competing corporations and see how your invention compares. You will be able to list all of the similar qualities that your invention has, as well as the characteristics that make your invention stand apart from the products of the competitors. This will give you a general idea of what the retail price of your invention should be – and how to effectively market and promote your product.
After ensuring that your product is a worthwhile commodity in a capital market, you can choose to sell your invention to a larger company that creates items like yours or hire your own patent attorney and market your product yourself. Your patent lawyer will be experienced with situations like yours and will know exactly how to handle your patent services case. Some companies, like the Inventors Network, Inc. offer quality patent services and free initial consultations.
The patent services process can be somewhat slow and costly. This is why it is ideal to have a patent attorney consistently look over your patent law paperwork and any patent infringement forms that you are required to sign. It is crucial that you remain patient during this process. Do not hesitate to ask your patent attorney to clarify any matters that may seem confusing to you.
About the Author
The Inventors Network, Inc. is a patent law firm that provides inventors with legal patent services.
Article Source: http://www.articlesbase.com/ - How Attorneys Help Inventors Patent Their Inventions
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Bad Breathe
Poor oral hygiene is the main factor of having bad breath. When particulate matter builds up in your mouth between your teeth and in your gums because you have not brushed or floss properly,the growth of bacteria within your mouth starts to expand.
This is not to say that bacteria in your mouth is unhealthy, however the bacteria that causes halitosis can be remedied and in fact there is a simple cure for having bad breath that many people do not take into consideration while they are popping breath mints to help spare their friends and family from the smell.
The easiest way to get rid of bad breath is to remove the debris that stores its self within our mouths in the form of dead skin cells, and particles of food that when they decay and produce foul smelling gases and scents.
Brushing your teeth and flossing on a regular basis is vital. This will help keep plaque and other residues from building up in your mouth which can lead to having bad breath. you also need to brush your tongue and even scrape it on a regular basis to inhibit bacterial buildup. You must always brush your gums gently as well.

Monday, February 1, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
There are many reasons that the cell phone is a necessity for our modern day life styles. The first reason that people should carry a cell phone is for safety reasons. Almost every year, people are kidnapped or they get lost in remote areas. By having a cell phone with them, it is possible to track a cell phone even if it is not on. As long as that person is within the range of a cell phone tower, these people could be saved because they had a cell phone with them.
The second reason that a phone is very necessary is to keep track of your children. Having for children of my own, I remember how hard it was to locate them and how many hours I would waste each year looking for them at the school site and not knowing why they were late or where they had gone. With a cell phone, by pressing a couple buttons, you can interact with your child at virtually any urbanized location and find out where they are almost immediately.
The third reason that a cell phone is useful is that it allows us closer to the people that we love. Instead of making the monthly call, or wanting to ask this person something and then forgetting it later, all you have to do when the moment moves you it is to open your cell phone up, press a couple buttons, and there they are. It is second only to what telepathy would be except you're doing it through your cell phone.
Although these reasons may seem broad based or silly to some that still do not advocate or once a cell phone, I find these three reasons very useful in justifying why I have a cell phone and why people all over the world should get one in order to improve their social and family life, as well as protect them in times of great need.
The concept of almost every person on the planet having the ability to communicate with each other was still more anticipatory than it was a reality. In the world today, it is common to see a 10-year-old chatting away on their cell phone and a 12-year-old sitting in a library with their laptop out surfing the Internet.
The world has made many great advancements in communications. Such as this company..
The newest cell phones are definitely cutting edge communication tools and they capable to create new social environments and to give a new meaning to today’s media concepts. They believe that using “GPS chips” will only add to the cost of each product. Today, cell phones are literally being given away free when purchased on regular mobile service plans. In anticipation of the mid to late 1980s, most cell phones were sufficiently big that they were time and again permanently installed in vehicles as car phones. No doubt about it, cell phones are one of the greatest inventions of the generation. It is really amazing, all kinds and different styles and colors of cell phone with a high technology adaptation at top brands of gsm cell phones. When originally manufactured, all GSM cell phones are unlocked. Right from the start, you need to know that there are so many mobile phones out there. Some of them will be feature-rich, others stylish, and sometimes these cell phones are just plain ol’ practical.
It’s all too simple. However, one thing is clear – owning a PDA mobile is an effective way to keep your business sorted. Best buy cell phones do not exist. Each mobile is as good as it gets. Best buy cell phones do not exist. Some even have plans that mobile to mobile are unlimited. Best buy cell phones do not exist. Your mobile can also have high-speed data transmission, web browsing system and more. Best buy cell phones do not exist. Why can't I send a text message to order a cab and it will come and pick me up from wherever I am (read wherever my mobile is).
As the technology improves and becomes more widely used, the prices should begin to drop. At the moment Iridium claim that the cost of a satellite phone call is similar to the cost of an international roaming call. They do not have to be at many places at the same time. Picture Caller ID - allows a previously-assigned picture of a caller to appear in the external display when a phone call is incoming from that contact. How does a broadband phone work. When a phone call is placed the call is routed by a private branch exchange (PBX) from a company like AT&T, SBC, or Sprint. As the technology improves and becomes more widely used, the prices should begin to drop. The amount of bandwidth that a VoIP provider requires to make a quality telephone call is only one thing to consider when choosing a VoIP service provider.
One thing is for sure. Global Positioning System or GPS cell phones are proving more and more popular. Some of the cell phones available today only weigh a few ounces. Cell phones are hand-held telephone devices with built-in antennas. They believe that using “GPS chips” will only add to the cost of each product. Even if it means egotistical commercial gains, most cell phone companies believe that the utilization of GPS cell phones are important in today’s modern world. Although the effect of cell frequencies is very slack but is sure enough more harmful for kids due to immaturity. So prolonged use of cell phones can cause severe health problems. Right from the start, you need to know that there are so many mobile phones out there. Some of them will be feature-rich, others stylish, and sometimes these cell phones are just plain ol’ practical.
Hands free texting and virtual assistants on here,check it out!
Friday, January 1, 2010
10 Ways To Avoid Being Ripped Off On eBay
1. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is: This holds for everything in life, but especially for eBay. Things that seem too cheap are usually too cheap for a reason – it might be a complete scam, or the items might just be of extremely poor quality. Investigate before you go further.
2. Know the value of what you want to buy: There are people on eBay who regularly bid such high prices for used cameras that they might as well have gone out and bought them brand new. Check around for prices first.
3. Only bid on real things: eBay has plenty of people who are trying to sell all sorts of schemes and scams. It is never worth bidding for these, no matter how cheap they might be.
4. Don’t do anything outside eBay: Occasionally people will ask you to send them money outside eBay, to avoid the fees eBay charges sellers. Any money you send this way is entirely insecure – don’t do it.
5. Be careful where you send payment: People may hack into others’ accounts, and ask you to send payment to addresses that eBay has not confirmed as belonging to that account – you might send your money and receive nothing in return.
6. Look out for sellers who suddenly change what they sell: Sellers can look like they’ve made lots of transactions, when really they’ve never sold anything of worth. If they suddenly start selling $1,000 televisions, steer clear – the chances are they’re planning to run off with the money.
7. Beware the shill bidder: If someone who doesn’t seem to have bought anything before is constantly outbidding you on a certain item, be suspicious. It might be a seller ‘shill bidding’ to force up his item’s price.
8. Don’t use the seller’s escrow service: If an escrow service is recommended to you by a seller, it could well be owned and run by them – and they’re quite likely to keep your money and send you nothing.
9. Pay electronically: You are more likely to be able to recover any losses if you pay using a credit card instead of sending out cheques and money orders – these low-tech payment methods can’t be tracked as easily.
10. Buy from reputable sellers: Each seller has a number next to their name, which is their feedback rating. The higher this rating, the more you can trust them.
On that last point, feedback ratings are the most important way that buyers and sellers can protect themselves on eBay – and you, as a buyer, have a rating too!
10 Steps To Successful Selling On Ebay
Step 1: Work out a business plan: A business plan doesn’t need to be anything formal, just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you’ve spotted, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This will allow you to stay organized and see your vision on paper so that you can follow through. (For more on organizational tips go to http://www.amparoenterprise.blogspot.com/ )
Step 2: Watch the competition. Before you invest any money, see what the other sellers are up to, and what their strategies are. Pay attention to any flaws their auctions might have, being a mystery shopper will be the wise thing to do.
Step 3: Get hold of a supplier for whatever it is you want to sell, and see what the best rates you can get are don’t be afraid to ring round quite a few to get the best deal. If the eBay prices you’ve seen are higher than the supplier’s, then you’re set.
Step 4: Do not invest thousands at your idea . Get started slowly, see what works and what doesn’t, and learn as you go. Remember that it’s very cheap to try out even the craziest ideas on eBay, and who knows, they might just work out for you.
Step 5: Keep trying different strategies until you find something that works, and then don’t be ashamed to keep doing it. You discovered something good that works.
Step 6: Know your market. Take a while to observe for what sells and what doesn’t out of the items you’re interested in selling.You will notice those one or two items that always seem to sell for a good price.
Step 7: Invest and expand: This is the time to throw money at the problem. Buy inventory, and start spending more time on your business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.
Step 8: Register yourself as a business once you start making money.
Step 9: Automate: You’ll probably find that you’re writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions. This is the time to give up on the manual method and turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.
Step 10: Even when it looks like it’s all going wrong, don’t stop trying until you succeed. Be consistent with your selling.
Hope these tips will help you be on your way to a successful ebay business.
Is Jan 1 2010 the new decade?..No
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Finding a College Scholarship for a Single Mother
Being a single mother can be very hard. You would have to do everything yourself; work hard, attend to your kids needs, and attend college classes. Oftentimes, you will have difficulty in handling your finances. And attending college requires a certain sum of money. Here is where a college scholarship will come in handy.
Different universities offer college scholarships for single moms; all you have to do is to find the right university which could help you in that aspect. The internet is also a good source of universities and institutions which offer such scholarships. Finding these universities/institutions requires a bit of your time, but it's quite worthy in the end.
Some single mothers will often think that it's the end of the world, but it is not so; though you may have many problems, getting your way through college is still very much important. At least, after you graduate, you can look for a high-paying job.
Almost any scholarship grant has pre-set standards. If you can pass these standards, you will eventually get money for college free. You don’t need to pay back because it's not considered as a debt. These grants are often paid for by the government and other private organizations. The money that you will receive can be used to pay for tuition fees and other university fees.
How will you start your search? Well, you can start by asking for information from your state department for college/higher education, local library, financial aid departments, and guidance counselors. You can also ask your employer (if you're presently employed) and some of your friends.
You can choose from many deals, and beware of scams for there are a great many who want to victimize you. Check all possible scholarship deals that you may encounter, know the qualifications required like transcripts, recommendation letters, essays, and other important papers which can prove your eligibility.
Applying for a college scholarship is just like applying for a job. So make yourself presentable, and get all your important papers in proper order. There are times when you may have second thoughts about going back to college, but your future lies in your bare hands. Talk with family and friends who can provide you with your needed support as you go through this stage; ask for advice and finally, arrive at a decision.
If you think, you can pull it through to college, with a family and work to manage, don’t waste your chance. College scholarships are free, so why not just do it.
Some of the college scholarships for single mothers are Women's Opportunity Award and the Raise the Nation Scholarship. Resources for college scholarships are not hard to find. Prepare for your kids' future and look for scholarship which can support your college needs. The job that you've wanted to have is just within your arms reach.
***MORE COLLEGE AID AND INFO ON http://www.amparoenterprise.ning.com/
Paying for your Child’s College Finances
Let's suppose that you have a child who will be graduating soon from high school. Of course, you will feel happy, just like any proud parent who have their children graduating from high school. It is one of the challenges of life that you have successfully surpassed, despite of the financial instabilities that you have probably experienced. It is time to celebrate, for you have fulfilled your responsibility of giving your child a bright future.
But as many would say, a high school graduation is not the end. In fact, it is just the beginning of tougher challenges that awaits you and your child in the succeeding years—college education.
At this point, you should start thinking about how you will finance the studies of your college-bound child. With the increasing cost of tuition fees, you need to plan ahead of time to avoid any misfortune, especially if you have experienced how to be financially-needing. You know how hard it is to have both of your hands tied-up against the increasing cost of your child’s high school education before. The sooner you start planning for the college education of your child, the less you will encounter financially-related problems later on.
If you think you will be faced again with financial problems, it is important that you know the different financial aid programs available for your college-bound child. Continue reading and learn the financial aids to lean on to:
• Grants- it is the first type of college financial aid that you can apply for. It simply requires you to complete a FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid) form. Once the application has been sent, it will be evaluated and if your child will qualify, he/she will be entitled to the full amount of what he/she qualifies for. At this point, you need not do anything much further except to provide the name of the college or university your child wants to enroll to.
• Scholarships- although scholarship is commonly intended for students who have the “brains” but do not have the “fortune”, not all college scholarships are bounded to academics. Students who do not have the best academic record can still qualify to other multitudes of college scholarships. There you have the college sports scholarships, community service work scholarships, social involvement scholarships, and others. There are just the different types of scholarships for your child if he is not that talented when it comes to academics.
• Student Loans- these type of loans have lower interest rates compared to other types of loans. There are instances where the loans are subsidized, which means that the interest does not accumulate until a student finishes college. Furthermore, these loans does not require a collateral, thus you do not have to worry about putting your own home as a collateral against the student loan for your child. Most of these loans are available on a variety of repayment plans at low interest rates and low monthly installment payments.
If you have not started searching for the various financial aid programs available, it is recommended that you start now. These financial aids will help you in the long run and will provide the funds needed for your child’s college education. Get yourself free from financial worries through these aids.
College Scholarship: Guide to Parents on Getting Financial Aid for their Children
It is true that happiness comes with children in the family. However, such happiness could be achieved if you are responsible enough with your children. You need to provide all of their needs, starting from their infancy until the time that they are studying. Although it will really cost you a lot, you have the responsibility to your children, especially in giving them the education that they need.
If you have children who are now going to college, you have to think of their financial needs. Probably you still remember your own collegiate years and you are aware of the financial needs of an ordinary college student. However, the difference is that you are now the parent—you will now be the one to think of the different payments that you need to settle for your children’s college education, such as college application, scholastic assessment test expenditures, transcript of records, and others. Add to it the lodging and food allowance of your children if the college or university is far away from your own residence.
Thinking all of these college-related expenses could be overwhelming and bothering as well, especially if your salary is not enough to support such expenses and your family’s financial needs at the same time. But if you know how to get a college financial aid for your children, you will find out that everything will work out smoothly.
How you will start your search for the college financial aid for your children? Here are some tips that you can start with:
• When your children are still on their high school years, you should start searching for potential universities that offer college scholarships for deserving freshman students as well as financial aid programs funded by different organizations. You may start your search on the Internet to look for possible college financial aid options for your children.
• Once you find a prospective university, visit their main office and inquire for any college scholarship or financial aid offers.
• Always ask for the cut-off dates of filing and submission of college financial aid application forms.
• Tell your children about the importance of a scholarship to their college education. Make them aware that they have plenty of options to consider as long as they have good high school scholastic records. In this way, you will be able to motivate them to study harder and make good grades, thus increasing your chances of a good financial aid.
• You may also consider filing an application for financial aid programs funded by the Federal government. State-owned colleges and universities offer this kind of financial assistance to qualified and deserving students who want to pursue their college studies despite of financial difficulties. You may submit the FAFSA (Free Application Form Student Aid) personally.
• Make certain that you have completed all the FAFSA requirements (such as present statement of bank accounts, monthly income records, present mortgage information, and others) and understand the rights or specialadvantages before accepting the financial aid for your children. You may also check if the financial aid is renewable.
With different financial aid programs such as college scholarships and federal grants, you are assured of a bright future for your children despite of the financial difficulties that you are currently experiencing.
To view Scholarship info,financial aid..go to http://www.amparoenterprise.ning.com/
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Baby Crying..
Communication - that's what a baby's crying is for. This sweet thing that suddenly turn into a fit of tears is just craving for your sweeter attention. All cultures in the world nod to this pattern all infants are accustomed to.
A baby cries the most during his or her first three months. Though the amount of crying steadily increase, the crying time period may vary from an hour to most of the day and this could still be considered within normal range. Like, whoah, right? Babies are also known as howling tear factories.
Some thought that a baby cries more during the afternoon accounting it to the anxiousness of the mother or the stressed mood of the father after going home from work. But the most accepted assumption now is that babies have this automatic screening ability they use to shut off all the noise that may stimulate some response from them so they could get enough rest. But in the long run, this filter weakens and totally disappears during the approximate age of six weeks. This, then, make a baby very sensitive to the external factors such as noise, movements, etc. And these generally elicit a reaction from a baby and how best could he or she respond but only through crying.
There are many reasons why a baby succumbs to crying. Deciphering these reasons is the major feat a parent must surmount. Here are some of the things your sweetsome baby is making you understand through crying.
Hunger. Yes, your attention-hungry baby is craving to let you know that his tummy is grumbling. This is the most common reason for a baby to cry, especially, during his early months. The pattern of the hunger howl could be characterized as being persistent, demanding and almost rhythmical. But that rhythm is not at any rate close to becoming musical, of course.
Boredom. What can I say? Aren't these babies just plain spoiled? Crying because of boredom, errr, I'd find that a bit more twisted or weird if it's with an adult that is. But babies are really built like this. Crying is their way of telling you, "Hey get me a life here!" Aside from attention and food, consequently, babies need a lot of stimulation. And when they don't get this, there you get your waaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!! The trick is to pick the baby up and play with him. This move may be frowned upon by some because of its amounting to spoiling the baby. But it is important to know that stimulation is also one of the major necessities of an infant and it won't hurt to provide him with some while in his growing age. This boredom cry is said to be also rhythmical and full of sobs and moans.
Discomfort. Pain is another precursor of the baby's crying. Who won't cry when in pain, right? Babies are not Major Paynes to endure the most excruciating discomfort they could undergo. They are little, vulnerable beings that need to be attended to when injured or when in an inconvenient situation. This cry could be more persistent, louder and more demanding. Shrieking and screaming, those are words that better describe the crying pattern roused by pain.
Another cause may be disturbance; surely, howling will proceed just when they're about to sleep or are already fast asleep and suddenly gets surprised by some noise, or movement.
An illness that causes discomfort to a baby may also be the reason for a baby's bursting into fit of tears.
Whatever it may be..thats there way of communicating. Soon you will be a crying interpreter:)
Friday, December 18, 2009
In Public Speaking
In Public Speaking, What Does Your Visual Image Say About You?
Author: Nancy DanielsOne of the best pieces of advice I give to my clients when teaching presentation skills is to always be prepared for the unexpected and that goes for your clothing as well as your visual image. Without a doubt, what you are saying and how you are saying it are the most important aspects of your presentation; however, your visual impact can either add to your image or detract.
The last thing you want to do is dress in such a fashion that your words are not being heeded because your appearance is inappropriate.
A few years ago I was invited to speak to some business executives about voice and presentation skills and while driving to my destination, I spilled coffee on my suit. It was obvious, disconcerting, and not something I could fix before my presentation. Anxious about the stains, I opened my delivery with a humorous account of how I had spilled my coffee while trying to negotiate the rush hour traffic. Thankfully, it worked and I could then relax and deliver my presentation without worrying about my appearance. By mentioning the coffee incident immediately after being introduced, I was able to change their focus from the stains on my clothing to the more important message I was delivering.
Traveling with an extra shirt or tie or an extra pair of hosiery is certainly in your best interest; but, aside from the ‘accidents’ that can occur before you are scheduled to speak, how should you dress for your engagement?
Dress with taste.
Unless you are a comedian, it is best to avoid garish or loud, revealing or disclosing attire. You want your audience’s attention on you, the professional, which means dressing in a manner with which your audience can identify. If your pants are hanging down to your knees and you are speaking to persuade a group of 50-year-olds to your way of thinking, they will not ‘hear’ your ideas, as great or novel as they may be, if they are staring at how ridiculous you look. If, on the other hand, most of your breasts are on display, you will never persuade your female audience to take you seriously unless you are selling beauty products.
When you are scheduled to speak, the best advice is to dress as if you were going to a job interview in which you want to look competent, authoritative and confident. Public speaking is difficult enough – success in this field is much less likely with a tasteless or unkempt appearance.
About the Author:
The Voice Lady Nancy Daniels offers private, corporate and group workshops in voice and presentation skills as well as Voicing It!, the only video training program on voice improvement. To see how voice training can improve your life, both professionally and personally, Click Here. Visit The Voice Lady's blog and watch a brief video as she describes Dynamic Public Speaking.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - In Public Speaking, What Does Your Visual Image Say About You?
8 tough questions you should ask before you hire a lawyer
8 Tough Questions You Should Ask Before You Hire a lawyer
Author: Christopher Zachar1. How long have you been practicing in the specific field of accident and injury law?
The reason for this question is clear. Obviously, the more experience in a specific field, the more knowledge to handle your case the right way.
2. What percentage of your practice is devoted to accident and injury law?
Again, the more cases an attorney handles in one specific area, the more experience he accumulates in that field. Since every personal injury case is different, the more scenarios an attorney has handled, the more knowledge he has to offer to every case.
3. Have you previously represented people with injuries similar to mine?
Being aware of the problems that can arise from specific injuries, the proper course of care and a list of medical providers who can help for specific injuries, helps an attorney to know how long a case may take to resolve and what type of recovery may be available for an injured client.
4. Do you have investigators and expert witnesses who will help in cases with my type of injury?
A good personal injury attorney will have investigators and expert witnesses they can trust. This is especially important because the police are not always able to find all the information needed, and, do not have the same levels of motivation to do so. Having qualified people to undertake a separate investigation from the police is often key in gathering significant evidence.
5. Can you refer me to a physician who can provide treatment for my injuries?
Experienced personal injury attorneys are familiar with a variety of doctors and therapists who can help with any injury. Equally important, experienced attorneys often know of medical providers who are not qualified or who do not have a reputation for providing the best quality of care.
6. Can you help me with my property damage claim and get a rental car for me?
Most of the big advertising firms don’t want to help you in this area. That is because they don’t make any money for it.
Find an attorney who is willing to help, at no charge, for the routine damage claim. An experienced attorney should be willing to do this.
7. Will you handle my case on a percentage fee basis?
Experienced personal injury attorneys will handle your case on a contingency basis. This means that the attorney is paid a percentage of the recovery, and only when and if your case has a favorable outcome. This percentage should be agreed upon before you retain the attorney. Avoid attorneys who want to charge you a retainer for a personal injury case.
Hiring an attorney on a contingency fee basis is favorable for clients because filing a lawsuit can be a costly endeavor which many people may not otherwise be able to afford.
8. If I can't come to your office, will you come to my home or office?
Many people who need an attorney are unable to travel due to injuries or poor health, so this is not an unusual request. An experienced attorney will be flexible and able to accommodate these needs. Also, you should insist on meeting with an attorney, not a legal assistant or runner.
About the Author:
Christopher Zachar of Zachar Law Firm in Phoenix Arizona specializes in personal injury and wrongful death law. Call (602)494-4800 or visit his website at http://www.zacharlawfirm.com/
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - 8 Tough Questions You Should Ask Before You Hire a lawyer
Mood Enhancers for depression
Mood Enhancers For Depression: 5 Natural Ways To Enhance Your Mood Without Risky Medication
Author: Michael LeeSome people get depressed more easily than others. These people find themselves easily swayed by negative emotions, sad music or even melancholic art. However, there are mood enhancers for depression that can help improve a person’s state of being.
Everyone has a choice on whether they choose to be happy or not. If you want to get out of your private black hole, then you’ve come to the right source! Here, you’ll learn effective mood enhancers for depression that will greatly change your disposition and frame of mind.
1) B Vitamins
B Vitamins do not only help boost your immune system, they are also quite wonderful mood enhancers for depression. Some of them are converted into serotonin - an important chemical that enhances mood.
B Vitamins can often be found in meat, so including that in your diet is a plus (just make sure to choose the lean and healthy parts). If you’re a vegetarian, you might also want to include bananas, beans and potatoes in your daily meals.
2) Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Aside from being good for the heart, Omega 3 is also one of the popular mood enhancers for depression. You can find these fatty acids in cold-water oily fish like salmon, anchovies and sardines.
3) St. John’s Wort
St. John’s Wort is a well-known natural remedy for depression. People have been using it for centuries now! Its extracts are usually in capsule or tablet form and can be generally acquired from your local drug store.
4) Vitamin D
The sun is a very good source of vitamin D and is therefore, a powerful mood enhancer for depression. If your area does not have an abundance of sunny weather, you can also get your daily dose of vitamin D from cereal grains and fatty fish.
5) Lavender
If you’re a fan of aromatherapy, then this is good news for you. Lavender has been known as one of the best ways to improve your mood when used in aromatherapy.
A flowering plant related to the mint family, Lavender releases an essential oil that has a very relaxing scent. The color Lavender itself has also been cited as an effective mood elevator!
There are a lot of natural mood enhancers for depression available out there. All you have to do is include some of them in your daily diet! You don’t have to resort to drastic measures just yet. And as an accompaniment to your new food choices, you could try smiling actively everyday. It’s going to help change your disposition one day at a time.
About the Author:
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Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Mood Enhancers For Depression: 5 Natural Ways To Enhance Your Mood Without Risky Medication
How Nutrition Affects Your Dog's Behavior
How Nutrition Affects Your Dog’s Behavior
Author: Cristian StanA very important aspect in owning and taking care of a pet dog is providing the animal with good nutrition and proper nourishment. Having the right kind of nutrition is one of the factors of a dog’s health and lifespan. A healthy dog tends to live longer or maximize its lifespan when provided with proper nutritional balance of the important nutrients such as fats, proteins or amino acid, and complex carbohydrates as well as the important minerals that are essential for their growth and a strong immune system. Your pet’s behavior is greatly affected by the kind of nutrition he gets. With proper nourishment, his mental abilities are better and he is able to think sharply. Dogs are known to be one of the animals with high level of thinking abilities. When they use their mental capacities to understand the tasks given to them, they are able to comprehend well and can perform the activities with vigor. Poor nourishment decreases their focus and makes them prone to mental weakness. Additionally, good nutrition helps bring down stress levels of the dog and also helps them develop a calmer and more composed behavior. When training your pet, always include his nutritional diet in order to enhance his behavior. If you feed him on cereals like wheat and corn, he tends to become hyperactive, unfocused, and agitated most of the time. To know if the dog food consists primarily of cereal compounds, let it soak in water for thirty minutes. Once it bloats up and appears spongy, it is mostly cereal. Proteins are good for boosting their energy and muscle regeneration. However, if their diet lacks protein and amino acid, they develop an aggressive behavior. When choosing their food, check the nutrition facts and look for food high in protein. You can ask the expert opinion of your vet on the right food for your dog. Stressed out dogs have difficulty digesting their food which may lead to a complication in the digestive system such as diarrhea. You will determine this imbalance in his system by checking on your dog’s stool. If it appears soft and loose, there is a problem with his digestion and one factor for that is the food that he eats. If this is the case, you might as well change his diet program. Try food that contains probiotics since it helps ease the digestive tract and contains the essential nutrients your pet needs.
About the Author:
Learn more about warts on dogs at DogWarts.Org. Read the articles on causes of warts on dogs and treatment for warts on dogs.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - How Nutrition Affects Your Dog’s Behavior
Keeping Elderly Minds Active
Keeping Elderly Minds Active
Author: Kasan GroupeIt can be devastating to watch our loved ones age. You begin to notice small things at first, like he or she has become a little bit more forgetful or perhaps a little bit weaker than in younger years. But as time progresses you notice even more changes in his or her behavior. As a loving child or grandchild, it is your responsibility to help your elderly loved one keep their mind and body active. Spending hour after hour watching television everyday is no way for someone to spend the twilight of their life. There simply ways in which you can encourage your loved one to keep their mind and body active. Follow my tips below.
- Encourage him or her to create art. Purchase a wood easel and some painting supplies. You can also opt for knitting needles and some yarn. Choose an activity that will keep him or her mentally active, but won’t strain their eyes or their body.
- Provide him or her with plenty of reading material. Head to your local library and checkout books and magazines for your aging relative. Make sure to choose books and topics that would be of interest and mentally stimulation to this person.
- If he or she lives with you, allow them to help out with household chores. This will keep them physically active and it will allow them to feel needed and useful.
- Go out on walks with him or her. This is a low-intensity way for him or her to get a little exercise and companionship with you.
- Provide him or her with puzzles. There are many puzzle variations that you can stock up. This will keep him or her mentally stimulated and engaged.
About the Author:
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Keeping Elderly Minds Active
Don't make these common home selling mistakes
Don't Make These Common Home Selling Mistakes
Author: Eva JudgeWhen the time comes to sell your house, you undoubtedly want to take care of things as quickly and efficiently as possible. Few things are worse than having a house that sits on the market month after month, with nary a peep of interest from a single prospective buyer. There are several major missteps that, when avoided, can help you sell your home much more quickly. Familiarise yourself with these home selling no-no's - and hire a professional conveyancing solicitors Brisbane or a Queensland conveyancing firm - to have the smoothest, most stress-free experience possible.
Ways To Not Sell Your House
Don't Put Up A Sign - Some people simply make a decision not to place a for sale sign at the front of their property. Why alert interested parties that the house is for sale? Don't put up a sign - and watch your house sit on the market month after month.
Overprice Your House - Being greedy - and unrealistic - can doom your house to sit on the market for an interminable amount of time. Instead, do some research on the internet and consult your local Real Estate agents for advice on a competitive price.
Choose An Arrogant Agent - Never mind experience; go for the flashiest, most arrogant Real Estate agent that you can when trying to sell your house. Sure, this person will hardly be available to actually assist you, but they will make plenty of big promises.
Refuse All Offers - Regardless of merit - and for no rhyme or reason - turn down any and all offers that are made for your house. Vaguely insist that you will know the right offer when you see it.
Don't Renovate Or Spruce Up Your Home - If people want to buy your home, they're going to have to do so "as is." Why should you spend any money making it look better, or more pleasant? Don't even bother cleaning it up if you really want it to stagnate on the market.
Don't Worry About Exposure - Despite it being the 21st century, don't look for an agent who uses a website or other modern forms of advertising. Make it a point not to list your property on any websites whatsoever, and don't bother with print media, either.
Make Your Home Inaccessible - Create an impossibly narrow window of time for people to have your property inspected or for when interested parties can come take a closer look. Make it so inconvenient that you scare away prospective buyers.
Sell During A Down Market - Put your house up for sale during a depressed market - but list it at a price that was unattainable even when the housing market was in its prime.
About the Author:
Ownit Conveyancing understand that one of the top mistakes that many people trying to sell their home make is not hiring a Gold Coast conveyancing professional to help them. With a Queensland conveyancing firm, you can avoid a plethora of major missteps that can cause you big time.
Article Source: ArticlesBase.com - Don't Make These Common Home Selling Mistakes
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Exercise Tips for Fighting the Swine Flu
Exercise Tips for Fighting the Swine Flu
by: Byron J. Richards, Founder/Director of Wellness Resources, Inc.
Exercise is vital to conditioning your body to have an efficient immune response. Hundreds of studies on exercise and immunity have been conducted. In general, the more fit you are the better your immune system works. At the same time, higher amounts of exercise place increased demands on your immune system. Working out or performing significant exercise at the same time your body is trying to fight off the flu could make you more susceptible to getting sick. Thus, it is a good idea to understand exercise in the context of your immune system.
Muscles as Part of Your Immune System
Muscles themselves are actually part of your immune system and are used as the primary savings account of protein to assist in the proliferation of immune cell troops once a battle is on. It is obvious to anyone who has been through a nasty flu for a week or longer that their muscles are weaker and they have less strength. This is because muscle protein is used to fight infection.
Muscle fitness not only implies better protein reserves, it also signifies a generally better immune response potential. Comparing the muscles of the elderly to younger people finds that the rate of protein synthesis declines in proportion to the baseline amount of inflammatory signals like TNFa and IL6. A baseline elevation of these inflammatory signals reduces optimal immune function, as explained in my article, Using Nutrition to Perceive and Combat Swine Flu.
In other words, the lack of vitality in unfit muscle reflects higher baseline immune-disrupting inflammation – which when added to other forms of existing inflammation (obesity, too much stress, lack of sleep, aches and pains, etc) add up to a reduced immune response. Conversely, twenty minutes of strength training three times a week in elderly individuals helps their muscles respond in a more youthful manner.
A study on centenarians indicated that those who maintained functional numbers of NK killer cells vital to front line immunity against the flu had better muscle mass, thyroid function, and vitamin D status.
The most important calorie for muscles is protein. Elderly women on a low protein diet compared to an adequate protein diet have noticeably lacking muscles with concurrent impaired immune response.
It is generally true that the more muscle mass you have entering a flu season the better your baseline immune response and the greater your ability to sustain a battle against a nasty flu.
How Exercise Can Hamper Immunity
The benefits of exercise occur by conditioning your muscles, aerobic system, and inflammatory system to be fit. The potential risk of exercise is that you break down muscle in the process of conditioning them, a process that requires inflammation in the name of future improvement.
Athletes are known to struggle with immune function, especially those who are really pushing their body to an elite level of fitness. Illness is as common as injury in the athletes who fail to make their bid to be in the Olympics.
Exercise places demands on protein supplies to rejuvenate muscles and the process of exercise uses up antioxidants. Antioxidants and protein are vital keys to immune function. If your reverses are run low by exercising you may not be in a good position to mount a proper immune response.
The amount of dietary protein in general is very important. I recommend ½ your ideal weight in grams of protein per day for an average exerciser, up to ¾ your ideal weight in grams of protein per day for a routine exerciser, and more than that for an athlete.
The failure to have enough dietary protein can send your muscles into a highly inflamed catabolic state, meaning that muscle tissue is breaking down too fast. In an athlete this is caused by overtraining. In the average American this is caused by a lack of use or doing exercise without enough protein and antioxidants.
Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. Numerous studies show that the amino acid glutamine is the vital amino acid that determines whether your muscles will break down excessively (inflammatory and catabolic) or rejuvenate and repair (anabolic and fitness). Glutamine is also the most important amino acid for the rapid production of immune cell troops. It was recently demonstrated that glutamine significantly boosted the function of immune troops within your digestive tract. Remember, the swine flu will incubate in your gut before it moves to your respiratory system.
When scientists induce experimental spinal cord injury it results in lack of muscle (due to a lack of nerve stimulation of muscle), in turn severely compromising immunity. These researchers found that a low level of the amino acid glutamine is a key maker for suppressed immunity.
The loss of muscle mass in well-conditioned astronauts during a long mission occurs in conjunction with depleted cell-mediated immunity (adaptive higher-powered immunity). This is one more example that shows the link between muscle health and immunity. I can think of no example of someone with poor muscle function and superior immunity. Conversely, using glutamine to restore weakened muscles helps immunity.
Overweight individuals are often making an effort to exercise more intensely so as to lose weight. However, new science shows they must have adequate antioxidants because their out-of-shape muscles make free radicals too easily. The baseline inflammation of an overweight person is also a risk factor for the swine flu. Overweight people who get in a good weight loss trend with improving muscle fitness will have better immunity – as long as they get adequate dietary protein for healthy weight loss while taking extra antioxidants so as to get an improved response to the exercise.
It is actually a good thing to push your body a bit with exercise for optimal health results. For example, pushing aerobics releases BDNF and repair signals that build new brain cells and help repair existing problems. Pushing strength training will build muscle. Just do it right and be more careful not to overdue during the flu season, especially if you are on the verge of fighting a bug.
Children on sports teams need to pay special attention to these factors. If your child knows he/she is fighting something off, it is generally better to sit out a practice/game or two than to spend the next two weeks in bed. If you keep your child adequate in protein, antioxidants, and glutamine in particular, the potential problems of lots of exercise to their immune system can be reduced.
What to Do if You are Fighting a Bug
The modification of an exercise program is required as soon as you can sense you are fighting off a bug of any kind, including the flu. Exercise is energy intense and inflammatory. Your immune system is energy intense and inflammatory. Both systems use the same raw materials and many of the same functions (albeit for different reasons). If you make your body perform a higher level output of exercise when you are beginning to feel sick, it will create a handicap in your immune response that is likely to speed the onset of an illness.
It is very clear that the 48-hour recovery period following intense exercise is a time of immune suppression, not what you want if you need to fight a bug during that time. This is most likely a system your body uses to prevent an autoimmune reaction against inflamed tissues following exercise. However, this mechanism will clearly get in the way of the short-term need of fighting a flu bug.
Sometimes the first symptoms of a flu bug are subtle and not even recognized as pending flu. This could be an unusual tiredness (energy already being deployed to immunity), a mild sore throat (a key location for viral flare-up symptoms), or stiffness in the calf muscles (the first sign of excess lactic acid production from viral activity). Other times the symptoms are more obvious and you can tell you are fighting something that has its first toehold in you.
If you feel this way you should not do a significant aerobic workout, strength training, or any excessive output of physical energy. Cut back on your activities, go for a walk, stretch – but do not do a lot even if you are generally conditioned to do so and it is part of your regular exercise routine. This is a good time to really boost up your immune support nutrients.
Other basic tips in this precarious time of initial flare up are to minimize anything stressful, do not eat any sugar (especially between meals), do not eat any junk food (especially chips or fries), do not drink any alcohol, and ensure you get adequate sleep.
Your immune system prefers to work at night so that it is not in conflict with your daily energy activities. However, when you are fighting a bug your immune system must become active during the day to protect you. This process has many inherent conflicts, but is vital to your survival. Give your immune system the chance to do its job by not getting in its way or depleting its function with a round of intensive exercise.
The moral of the story is to cut back at the first signs of fighting a bug, which often means it will be out of your body in a day or two with a very mild visit. If you do it right you can save yourself a week or two of downtime.
For a fully referenced article: Click Here.
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The Healing Plant
Aloe Vera - The Healing Plant
Aloe Vera is a plant of many surprises and wonders. Whether you use it as vital ingredient in beauty products or it is consumed as dietary supplement. Aloe Vera is a hot fertile region plant, but now it is cultivated in most part of the world. Aloe is a member of the lily family although it looks more of a cactus. It has been used for its medicinal purposes since the ancient times, but only recently has it enjoyed a rediscovery and subsequent popularity explosion.
There are over 200 varieties of aloes, but it is the Aloe Barbadensis Miller (Aloe Vera) plant, which has been of most use to mankind because of the medicinal properties it displays. Aloe Vera contains over 75 known active ingredients including a wide range Vitamins, antioxidant, minerals, calcium, essential Amino Acids, Sugars, Digestive Enzymes, Anti-inflammatory Enzymes, Plant Sterols, Lignin, Saponins, Anthraquinones and more. Aloe Vera contains many components, including vitamins A, B, C, and E. Aloe has a massive amount of minerals and enzymes, however not its entire component has been identified yet.
Nowadays, although medicines and drugs can be very effective in treating ailments, long term use often involves side effects for patients. Consequently more consumers and scientists are turning back to look at more traditional, and often natural therapies which have been neglected for so long. As a result, Aloe Vera is once again attracting attention as it can provide many benefits to our health and lifestyle without any side effects.
Ancient records show that the benefits of Aloe Vera have been known to mankind for centuries. Its therapeutic advantages and healing properties have survived more than 5000 years.
By using the aloe vera juice a person can get the benefits of aloe vera’s ability to aid in digestion, improve circulation, detoxify and heal from the inside. Aloe Vera juice can be a part of a person’s daily healthy regimen because it is safe to take everyday. If Aloe is taken internally, it increases the actual amount of our bile. It affects the small intestines and stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine thus causing purging in about fifteen hours. Aloes also help increase the menstrual flow, since it belongs to the group of emmenagogues. Aloes have Aloin present used for therapeutic purposes. This causes less pain. It is a preferable drug for many forms of constipation. Continuous use of it does not lead to enlarging the dose to take.
Aloe’s benefits to our health include, helping to lower the blood sugar levels in diabetes patients. Aloe Vera is a strong laxative that may have some anti-cancer effects to humans. It is now being studied as a treatment for asthma.
Aloe Vera is commonly used externally to treat various skin conditions such as cuts, burns and echzema. It is alleged that sap from Aloe vera eases pain and reduces inflammation. Scientific evidence on the effects of Aloe vera sap on wound healing is contradictory. A study showed that the healing of a moderate to severe burn was sped up by six days when covering the wound on a regular basis with aloe vera gel, compared to the healing of the wound covered in a gauze bandage. In contrast, another study suggested wounds to which Aloe vera gel was applied were significantly slower to heal.
Many cosmetic companies add sap or products derived from Aloe Vera to products such as makeup, shampoos, soaps, moisturisers, sunscreens and lotions. Aloe gel is alleged to be useful for dry skin conditions, especially eczema around the eyes and sensitive facial skin and for treating fungal infections.Aloe vera has very good results in skin diseases and it is often taken as health drink. Aloe Vera is also found effective in treating wrinkles, stretch marks and pigmentations. Where as auravedic practitioners are in the favor of use of Aloe Vera. According to them Aloe vera has very good role in diabetic. Aloe vera is found to have smaller molecular structure and cutting properties. This help breaking down fat globules, therefore reducing obesity. Medical properties of Aloe vera are still on debate, but the beauty properties are highly accepted by the world.
Aloe Vera is also known to have certain medical properties. Aloe vera drink is used as a tonic for patient suffering from arthritis, diabetes and high cholesterol. This is because of the dietary supplement properties, which help in healing like anti fungal, anti oxidant, anti bacterial and some other properties. It is found to boost the immune system. The transparent gel that is found inside its leaf is used as a domestic emergency treatment in burns, injuries and solar erithema, also it is applied externally on hemorrhoids and foe a good cicatrisation. Aloe Vera contains at least two active compounds that decrease the levels of sugar in the blood and its extract is also used in patients with hypoglycemia. Its juice is consumed as prevention and treatment of many gastric disorders. The efficiency of Aloe Vera in the treatment of burns is due because it has a similar structure as aspirin, that in combination with magnesium have an anesthetic effect and because of its antimicrobian composition it helps for the hygiene of the burns, avoiding a possible infection.
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Female hair Loss
A Guide to Female Hair Loss
by: Josh Riverside
Hair loss usually occurs because of hormonal factors. As a consequence, biological events like puberty, pregnancy and menopause that effect female hormone levels can also cause female hair loss. In the case of pregnancy, hair loss is simply a consequence of the stress the body undergoes during labor and should stop approximately 6 months after birth. Discontinuation of taking birth control pills can also cause temporary female hair loss.
The most common type of female hair loss is androgenetic alopecia or female-pattern baldness. This type of hair loss is associated with hair thinning predominantly over the sides and top of the head. Female hair loss affects about one-third of all susceptible women and usually onsets after menopause although it can begin earlier.
Other causes of female hair loss include dieting. Rapid weight loss over a short period of time promotes hair loss and some supplements such as excessive vitamin A also contribute to hair loss. Physical and emotional stress can cause hair loss but this usually only occurs when the trauma is excessive and of a long duration. Everyday stress does not promote hair loss.
Some common myths related to female hair loss are that frequent washing and shampooing, and wearing of wigs and hats all cause hair loss. In addition, rumors abound that permanents, coloring, and other cosmetic treatments can cause permanent hair loss. Other myths are that brushing your hair everyday will create healthier hair, that shaving your head will cause hair to grow back thicker, and that stress causes permanent hair loss. Finally, other myths are that there is a cure for female-pattern baldness and that dandruff causes permanent hair loss.
These are just a few common myths associated with female hair loss. If you experience excessive hair loss, you should see a licensed dermatologist for a thorough diagnosis and treatment options.
Hair Loss provides detailed information on Hair Loss , Hair Loss Products , Hair Loss Treatments , Hair Loss Remedy and more. Hair Loss is affiliated with Natural Hair Loss Treatments.
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Boost up your metabolism
11 Tips to Boost Your Metabolism
by: Andrew Bicknell
Boosting ones metabolism is something many people try to achieve everyday. Having a high metabolic rate increases the amount of calories, or energy, the body burns on a daily basis. Without optimal metabolism the body will store excess calories as fat for future use. The problem for many people is they don�t ever use these excess calories and as a result struggle with weight issues.
There are many factors that affect a person�s metabolism including age, weight, hormonal changes, lean muscle mass, diet, genetics, stress and the amount of physical activity undertaken on a daily basis. As you can see boosting your metabolism involves many factors, but the fact of the matter is that it is relatively easy to boost your metabolism if you are committed to doing so.
Here are 11 tips to help you boost your metabolism:
1. Build lean body mass. As we age our bodies metabolism or ability to burn calories decreases. One way to offset this problem is by exercising. Lean muscle burns calories and the more you have the more calories you burn, even while resting. You can build muscle through resistance or weight training at least twice a week. You can also boost your metabolism by doing cardio exercises. You can choose to do this between or in conjunction with weight training. Simply going for a walk or using the stairs instead of the elevator are good ways to get in an aerobic workout.
2. Eat Breakfast. Many people ignore eating breakfast. What they don�t realize is that it�s the most important meal of the day. Breakfast gives your metabolism a boost and provides a consistent energy supply throughout the day. The majority of people who eat a healthy breakfast have fewer weight and health issues than those who don�t.
3. Sugar is bad. Processed and refined sugar such as found in sweets and soft drinks overload the body with sugar causing many serious health issues including obesity and diabetes. Complex carbohydrates are a better energy source because they supply an even level of blood sugar. The human body just isn�t built to deal with the large amounts of refined sugar most people include in their diet.
4. Spicy foods that make you sweat can help boost your metabolism.
5. Get a good night�s sleep. There is research that shows that people who do not get sufficient sleep tend to gain weight. This may be because the body uses sleep to heal and regenerate itself, including its muscular system.
6. Drink more water. Water is the lubricant of the body. It also flushes toxins out of the body and keeps the kidneys operating at maximum efficiency. This allows the liver more time to do what it does best, metabolize fat stores.
7. Eat small meals. Eat 5 to 6 small meals per day spaced 20 to 3 hours apart. This gives the body a steady supply of energy and prevents binge eating.
8. Don�t miss meals. Skipping meals in order to loose weight is counter productive because it actually slow metabolism and can lead to over eating.
9. Plan your meals. If you have a daily or weekly menu you are much more likely to stick to your plan.
10. Drink green tea. Green tea has been shown to boost metabolism and unlike coffee does not stress the body with caffeine.
11. Include more high energy foods in your diet including fruits, vegetables and whole grains. These provide a more balanced energy source and will not cause blood sugar spikes.
Boosting your metabolism can be done if you are dedicated to doing it. This does not mean you need to stress over each little thing but if you eat right and exercise you should see a decrease in body fat and a much more energetic and happy you.
For more tips to boost your metabolism and for more information about metabolism please click here.
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