When deciding where to invest your money, you need to always take into account your investment goals and objectives. Different types of investments carry varying degrees of risks and potential return.
A bank CD is a very safe investment. The CD is FDIC insured up to $100,000, so there truly is minimal risk. The only downside is that you cannot withdraw that money in the CD for a specific amount of time or else you'll receive a penalty. Bank CDs generally only pay up to 5% interest.
A bond is essentially a loan you make to a company or a government. Bonds have varying degrees of risk, from essentially risk-free treasuries to junk bonds. The higher the risk of the bond, the higher the return will generally be.
Stocks are investments in companies. Depending on the company, the risk of the investment can be high or low. Obviously, buying stock in Johnson and Johnson is a lot less risky than a new internet startup company. In general, the stock market returns on average about 10% a year, though the actual return of any given stock will vary significantly.
Mutual Funds
A mutual fund typically invests in over 100 stocks, so it's an instant way to diversify your portfolio. However, the mutual fund generally charges a fee, which is about 1% of your assets per year. Because of this fee, most mutual funds do not outperform the market; a monkey blindly picking 100 stocks but not charging you a fee could easily outperform most mutual funds.
Real Estate
Real estate is a popular investment. The most obvious real estate investment you'll make is when you purchase your home. Your home can go up or down in value when you sell it; it depends on the housing market in your area.
Source: - Free Articles Directory
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Friday, September 10, 2010
Want to Live Debt Free? These Tips Will Help
Do you dream about being debt free some day? This can be a reality if you follow some basic rules and do what it takes. To start down the road to financial freedom you need to do a few things first. Are you ready? Let's go.
Tip #1. You need to admit there is a problem.
Is there not enough cash coming in or is it spent too quickly, or both? Is the money being spent on non-essentials? Is the income being spent unwisely on luxury items that you cannot really afford? Do you know how much you really have to spend? Do you know how much you owe and to whom?
You need to honestly answer these questions and be prepared to take some action.
Tip #2. You need a make a plan and stick to it.
First of all, you need to know your financial situation. Take out all your credit cards' statements and add up the outstanding balances. Make a plan to reduce the debt to a certain level within a fixed period of time. Once this is done there are tools you can use from the Internet to track your spending and your debt reduction.
Imagine what you will be able to do with the money you currently use to pay off debt.
Tip #3. Never add to your debt. Cut up the credit cards and live within your means.
Work out ways to cut down on your expenses so that you can live within your means. Start to put some funds aside for emergencies. You can cut down your expenses easily if you just think creatively. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.
a) Anything you need (not just want) can usually be bought at a sale. Commit to not buying at retail prices again. Look in newspapers, wait for sales and be patient.
b) Cook at home a lot more often. Freeze leftovers. Plan you food needs for the week. Make your lunch for work instead of buying it each day.
c) Read magazines, get DVDs and Videos for free from your local library.
d) Take up a hobby. Get busy - shop less. Maybe your hobby can create some income?
e) Give up the coffee bought while shopping or at work.
f) Maybe if you tried you could get away with only 1 car. Travel by bus or train if possible.
Tip #4. Don't compare yourself with others.
If you spend to keep up with others, think whether they may be in a similar position to you. Work out and understand how much you can spend and how much needs to be put aside for saving or emergencies.
Tip #5. Pay off one small debt completely.
This will give you a boost and help you keep on track more easily and you'll be more motivated to pay off all the debts.
Tip #6. Keep some fun money.
This process needs to be fun, not a misery. If it becomes a chore you will be tempted not to meet your goals. Keep some money aside that allows you the freedom to spend on things you want, occasionally. You'll feel so much better about spending on items that you can afford.
To truly solve your debt problems you need to keep yourself under control. There's no one else who can do this for you. Ask for God's help also. You'll be so glad you did, once the debt burden has been lifted and you can become your own person.
Source: - Free Articles Directory
Tip #1. You need to admit there is a problem.
Is there not enough cash coming in or is it spent too quickly, or both? Is the money being spent on non-essentials? Is the income being spent unwisely on luxury items that you cannot really afford? Do you know how much you really have to spend? Do you know how much you owe and to whom?
You need to honestly answer these questions and be prepared to take some action.
Tip #2. You need a make a plan and stick to it.
First of all, you need to know your financial situation. Take out all your credit cards' statements and add up the outstanding balances. Make a plan to reduce the debt to a certain level within a fixed period of time. Once this is done there are tools you can use from the Internet to track your spending and your debt reduction.
Imagine what you will be able to do with the money you currently use to pay off debt.
Tip #3. Never add to your debt. Cut up the credit cards and live within your means.
Work out ways to cut down on your expenses so that you can live within your means. Start to put some funds aside for emergencies. You can cut down your expenses easily if you just think creatively. Here are a few suggestions to get you started.
a) Anything you need (not just want) can usually be bought at a sale. Commit to not buying at retail prices again. Look in newspapers, wait for sales and be patient.
b) Cook at home a lot more often. Freeze leftovers. Plan you food needs for the week. Make your lunch for work instead of buying it each day.
c) Read magazines, get DVDs and Videos for free from your local library.
d) Take up a hobby. Get busy - shop less. Maybe your hobby can create some income?
e) Give up the coffee bought while shopping or at work.
f) Maybe if you tried you could get away with only 1 car. Travel by bus or train if possible.
Tip #4. Don't compare yourself with others.
If you spend to keep up with others, think whether they may be in a similar position to you. Work out and understand how much you can spend and how much needs to be put aside for saving or emergencies.
Tip #5. Pay off one small debt completely.
This will give you a boost and help you keep on track more easily and you'll be more motivated to pay off all the debts.
Tip #6. Keep some fun money.
This process needs to be fun, not a misery. If it becomes a chore you will be tempted not to meet your goals. Keep some money aside that allows you the freedom to spend on things you want, occasionally. You'll feel so much better about spending on items that you can afford.
To truly solve your debt problems you need to keep yourself under control. There's no one else who can do this for you. Ask for God's help also. You'll be so glad you did, once the debt burden has been lifted and you can become your own person.
Source: - Free Articles Directory
Monday, May 3, 2010
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
How to Patent your Invention or Idea
How to Patent your Invention or Idea
By: IC
Creativity and imagination is are qualities we are all born with, in some people these qualities tend to develop rather faster compared to others. Imagination has fueled our inherent desire to overcome obstacles and improve the tools we have available today, creativity on the other hand helps us create and materialize the ideas we have developed.
The process of invention is pleasant and rewarding but when it comes to obtaining a patent which makes you the legitimate owner of your creations and ideas the field changes. The first step towards obtaining a patent is to search the online database provided by through the government website which is in charge of keeping all of these records, this way you will know in an instant if your idea has already been patented or if it isn't.
The U.S. Patent Office is in charge of keeping all records related to invention and ideas, their site address is , all the paperwork and applications needed to process a new patent are available on both online and off-line sources. These forms can be filled out by yourself or with the help of an attorney if you don't feel quite comfortable with the process, however, must of the forms are straight forward, the information requested involves name of the inventor, description, functionality, drawings or charts and any other information pertinent to the idea being patented. The forms you will have to choose from are utility, plant and design; each one is intended for a specific kind of invention or idea.
You also need to be aware that there is a fee to have this paperwork processed. Once you have the information ready you can submit the form either electronically or in person. The person who reviews the form on behalf of the office will evaluate the information submitted and if it turns out your idea is unique you will get a patent which will protect your rights and will allow you to legally receive credits for your work.
The next step is to find an organization which helps inventors develop and market their ideas, this will launch your product full force into the market.
One more fact you need to be aware of is that this kind of protection is not permanent, depending on the application filed your idea is protected either 14 or 20 years. Twenty year protection applies to utility/plant and 14 year protection applies to design patents.
Always be patient and optimistic about the results of your submission, good luck!
About the Author provides more information on idea patent procedures. Get an inventors guide to expose your product to the market, visit AbsolutelyNew today!
(ArticlesBase SC #294175)
Article Source: - How to Patent your Invention or Idea
How Attorneys Help Inventors Patent Their Inventions
How Attorneys Help Inventors Patent Their Inventions
By: Abby Reid
Going through the procedure of patenting your invention can be both confusing and arduous – especially if it is your first time embarking on the invention and patent services process. However, you can avoid any unexpected conflicts by closely following the right steps – and by hiring yourself a patent law attorney. By using the help of a patent lawyer and adhering to the correct patent services series of actions, one can successfully market his invention.
Before choosing to hire a patent agent to patent your invention, you must first conduct some research. Take a close look your invention’s current market. For instance, if you have chosen to create a new type of cellular phone, one should examine the current marketing and purchasing trends of cellular phones.
* Why are cellular phones so popular? - Convenience, popularity
* Who uses cellular phones? – Practically everyone, from young children to the elderly
* What features to people look for when choosing a cellular phone? – This can change depending on the demographics. Elderly people are probably looking for a simple, easy-to-use phone that is accessible, while younger audiences and teenagers are looking for extra features that offer convenience and entertainment
* What makes certain cellular phones unique? Why are some phones more popular than others? - Certain cellular phones offer additional components and special abilities
* Why do people buy certain cellular phones more than others? Which types of features are popular? When are buying trends at their highest? – Compare and contrast your invention’s abilities to similar popular products
Examine how many competitors exist, which companies are the most successful in the market, the manner in which patented products similar to yours are being sold, how much they cost and who is buying them. After collecting this information, you can compare your product to those of competing corporations and see how your invention compares. You will be able to list all of the similar qualities that your invention has, as well as the characteristics that make your invention stand apart from the products of the competitors. This will give you a general idea of what the retail price of your invention should be – and how to effectively market and promote your product.
After ensuring that your product is a worthwhile commodity in a capital market, you can choose to sell your invention to a larger company that creates items like yours or hire your own patent attorney and market your product yourself. Your patent lawyer will be experienced with situations like yours and will know exactly how to handle your patent services case. Some companies, like the Inventors Network, Inc. offer quality patent services and free initial consultations.
The patent services process can be somewhat slow and costly. This is why it is ideal to have a patent attorney consistently look over your patent law paperwork and any patent infringement forms that you are required to sign. It is crucial that you remain patient during this process. Do not hesitate to ask your patent attorney to clarify any matters that may seem confusing to you.
About the Author
The Inventors Network, Inc. is a patent law firm that provides inventors with legal patent services.
(ArticlesBase SC #669223)
Article Source: - How Attorneys Help Inventors Patent Their Inventions
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Bad Breathe
Halitosis or bad breath is a common problem. Here are a few tips on how to help fight against bad breath.
Poor oral hygiene is the main factor of having bad breath. When particulate matter builds up in your mouth between your teeth and in your gums because you have not brushed or floss properly,the growth of bacteria within your mouth starts to expand.
This is not to say that bacteria in your mouth is unhealthy, however the bacteria that causes halitosis can be remedied and in fact there is a simple cure for having bad breath that many people do not take into consideration while they are popping breath mints to help spare their friends and family from the smell.
The easiest way to get rid of bad breath is to remove the debris that stores its self within our mouths in the form of dead skin cells, and particles of food that when they decay and produce foul smelling gases and scents.
Brushing your teeth and flossing on a regular basis is vital. This will help keep plaque and other residues from building up in your mouth which can lead to having bad breath. you also need to brush your tongue and even scrape it on a regular basis to inhibit bacterial buildup. You must always brush your gums gently as well.
The last thing you can do is to use some form of mouthwash that is antibacterial. Using mouthwash that merely makes your breath smell good is not what you need to purchase. Usually what you need is some kind of mouthwash and that usually tastes horrible because it has the antibacterial agents in it to help you avoid bad breathe.
Poor oral hygiene is the main factor of having bad breath. When particulate matter builds up in your mouth between your teeth and in your gums because you have not brushed or floss properly,the growth of bacteria within your mouth starts to expand.
This is not to say that bacteria in your mouth is unhealthy, however the bacteria that causes halitosis can be remedied and in fact there is a simple cure for having bad breath that many people do not take into consideration while they are popping breath mints to help spare their friends and family from the smell.
The easiest way to get rid of bad breath is to remove the debris that stores its self within our mouths in the form of dead skin cells, and particles of food that when they decay and produce foul smelling gases and scents.
Brushing your teeth and flossing on a regular basis is vital. This will help keep plaque and other residues from building up in your mouth which can lead to having bad breath. you also need to brush your tongue and even scrape it on a regular basis to inhibit bacterial buildup. You must always brush your gums gently as well.

Make sure when going out that you also carry a travel size tooth brush, tooth paste, mouth wash and floss. Just in case you go out to eat and especially if you eat something that will cause unpleasant odors to start forming. Popping a mint or gum will not be enough, you have to get rid of the food in your teeth and brush. Then you can pop a mint afterwards.
Theres nothing more uncomfortable than to be embarrassed over bad breathe, so take these precautions.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Friday, January 29, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
There are many reasons that the cell phone is a necessity for our modern day life styles. The first reason that people should carry a cell phone is for safety reasons. Almost every year, people are kidnapped or they get lost in remote areas. By having a cell phone with them, it is possible to track a cell phone even if it is not on. As long as that person is within the range of a cell phone tower, these people could be saved because they had a cell phone with them.
The second reason that a phone is very necessary is to keep track of your children. Having for children of my own, I remember how hard it was to locate them and how many hours I would waste each year looking for them at the school site and not knowing why they were late or where they had gone. With a cell phone, by pressing a couple buttons, you can interact with your child at virtually any urbanized location and find out where they are almost immediately.
The third reason that a cell phone is useful is that it allows us closer to the people that we love. Instead of making the monthly call, or wanting to ask this person something and then forgetting it later, all you have to do when the moment moves you it is to open your cell phone up, press a couple buttons, and there they are. It is second only to what telepathy would be except you're doing it through your cell phone.
Although these reasons may seem broad based or silly to some that still do not advocate or once a cell phone, I find these three reasons very useful in justifying why I have a cell phone and why people all over the world should get one in order to improve their social and family life, as well as protect them in times of great need.
The concept of almost every person on the planet having the ability to communicate with each other was still more anticipatory than it was a reality. In the world today, it is common to see a 10-year-old chatting away on their cell phone and a 12-year-old sitting in a library with their laptop out surfing the Internet.
The world has made many great advancements in communications. Such as this company..
The newest cell phones are definitely cutting edge communication tools and they capable to create new social environments and to give a new meaning to today’s media concepts. They believe that using “GPS chips” will only add to the cost of each product. Today, cell phones are literally being given away free when purchased on regular mobile service plans. In anticipation of the mid to late 1980s, most cell phones were sufficiently big that they were time and again permanently installed in vehicles as car phones. No doubt about it, cell phones are one of the greatest inventions of the generation. It is really amazing, all kinds and different styles and colors of cell phone with a high technology adaptation at top brands of gsm cell phones. When originally manufactured, all GSM cell phones are unlocked. Right from the start, you need to know that there are so many mobile phones out there. Some of them will be feature-rich, others stylish, and sometimes these cell phones are just plain ol’ practical.
It’s all too simple. However, one thing is clear – owning a PDA mobile is an effective way to keep your business sorted. Best buy cell phones do not exist. Each mobile is as good as it gets. Best buy cell phones do not exist. Some even have plans that mobile to mobile are unlimited. Best buy cell phones do not exist. Your mobile can also have high-speed data transmission, web browsing system and more. Best buy cell phones do not exist. Why can't I send a text message to order a cab and it will come and pick me up from wherever I am (read wherever my mobile is).
As the technology improves and becomes more widely used, the prices should begin to drop. At the moment Iridium claim that the cost of a satellite phone call is similar to the cost of an international roaming call. They do not have to be at many places at the same time. Picture Caller ID - allows a previously-assigned picture of a caller to appear in the external display when a phone call is incoming from that contact. How does a broadband phone work. When a phone call is placed the call is routed by a private branch exchange (PBX) from a company like AT&T, SBC, or Sprint. As the technology improves and becomes more widely used, the prices should begin to drop. The amount of bandwidth that a VoIP provider requires to make a quality telephone call is only one thing to consider when choosing a VoIP service provider.
One thing is for sure. Global Positioning System or GPS cell phones are proving more and more popular. Some of the cell phones available today only weigh a few ounces. Cell phones are hand-held telephone devices with built-in antennas. They believe that using “GPS chips” will only add to the cost of each product. Even if it means egotistical commercial gains, most cell phone companies believe that the utilization of GPS cell phones are important in today’s modern world. Although the effect of cell frequencies is very slack but is sure enough more harmful for kids due to immaturity. So prolonged use of cell phones can cause severe health problems. Right from the start, you need to know that there are so many mobile phones out there. Some of them will be feature-rich, others stylish, and sometimes these cell phones are just plain ol’ practical.
Hands free texting and virtual assistants on here,check it out!
Friday, January 1, 2010
10 Ways To Avoid Being Ripped Off On eBay
It is important to remember that eBay is a lot like a marketplace. There will always be a dodgy guy in the corner, selling things that most people wouldn’t touch. The trouble is that, on the Internet, these people can be a little harder to spot. Here are ten tips to help you keep an eye out for the rip-off merchants.
1. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is: This holds for everything in life, but especially for eBay. Things that seem too cheap are usually too cheap for a reason – it might be a complete scam, or the items might just be of extremely poor quality. Investigate before you go further.
2. Know the value of what you want to buy: There are people on eBay who regularly bid such high prices for used cameras that they might as well have gone out and bought them brand new. Check around for prices first.
3. Only bid on real things: eBay has plenty of people who are trying to sell all sorts of schemes and scams. It is never worth bidding for these, no matter how cheap they might be.
4. Don’t do anything outside eBay: Occasionally people will ask you to send them money outside eBay, to avoid the fees eBay charges sellers. Any money you send this way is entirely insecure – don’t do it.
5. Be careful where you send payment: People may hack into others’ accounts, and ask you to send payment to addresses that eBay has not confirmed as belonging to that account – you might send your money and receive nothing in return.
6. Look out for sellers who suddenly change what they sell: Sellers can look like they’ve made lots of transactions, when really they’ve never sold anything of worth. If they suddenly start selling $1,000 televisions, steer clear – the chances are they’re planning to run off with the money.
7. Beware the shill bidder: If someone who doesn’t seem to have bought anything before is constantly outbidding you on a certain item, be suspicious. It might be a seller ‘shill bidding’ to force up his item’s price.
8. Don’t use the seller’s escrow service: If an escrow service is recommended to you by a seller, it could well be owned and run by them – and they’re quite likely to keep your money and send you nothing.
9. Pay electronically: You are more likely to be able to recover any losses if you pay using a credit card instead of sending out cheques and money orders – these low-tech payment methods can’t be tracked as easily.
10. Buy from reputable sellers: Each seller has a number next to their name, which is their feedback rating. The higher this rating, the more you can trust them.
On that last point, feedback ratings are the most important way that buyers and sellers can protect themselves on eBay – and you, as a buyer, have a rating too!
1. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is: This holds for everything in life, but especially for eBay. Things that seem too cheap are usually too cheap for a reason – it might be a complete scam, or the items might just be of extremely poor quality. Investigate before you go further.
2. Know the value of what you want to buy: There are people on eBay who regularly bid such high prices for used cameras that they might as well have gone out and bought them brand new. Check around for prices first.
3. Only bid on real things: eBay has plenty of people who are trying to sell all sorts of schemes and scams. It is never worth bidding for these, no matter how cheap they might be.
4. Don’t do anything outside eBay: Occasionally people will ask you to send them money outside eBay, to avoid the fees eBay charges sellers. Any money you send this way is entirely insecure – don’t do it.
5. Be careful where you send payment: People may hack into others’ accounts, and ask you to send payment to addresses that eBay has not confirmed as belonging to that account – you might send your money and receive nothing in return.
6. Look out for sellers who suddenly change what they sell: Sellers can look like they’ve made lots of transactions, when really they’ve never sold anything of worth. If they suddenly start selling $1,000 televisions, steer clear – the chances are they’re planning to run off with the money.
7. Beware the shill bidder: If someone who doesn’t seem to have bought anything before is constantly outbidding you on a certain item, be suspicious. It might be a seller ‘shill bidding’ to force up his item’s price.
8. Don’t use the seller’s escrow service: If an escrow service is recommended to you by a seller, it could well be owned and run by them – and they’re quite likely to keep your money and send you nothing.
9. Pay electronically: You are more likely to be able to recover any losses if you pay using a credit card instead of sending out cheques and money orders – these low-tech payment methods can’t be tracked as easily.
10. Buy from reputable sellers: Each seller has a number next to their name, which is their feedback rating. The higher this rating, the more you can trust them.
On that last point, feedback ratings are the most important way that buyers and sellers can protect themselves on eBay – and you, as a buyer, have a rating too!
10 Steps To Successful Selling On Ebay
Selling on ebay can be profitable if you follow certain steps..
Step 1: Work out a business plan: A business plan doesn’t need to be anything formal, just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you’ve spotted, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This will allow you to stay organized and see your vision on paper so that you can follow through. (For more on organizational tips go to )
Step 2: Watch the competition. Before you invest any money, see what the other sellers are up to, and what their strategies are. Pay attention to any flaws their auctions might have, being a mystery shopper will be the wise thing to do.
Step 3: Get hold of a supplier for whatever it is you want to sell, and see what the best rates you can get are don’t be afraid to ring round quite a few to get the best deal. If the eBay prices you’ve seen are higher than the supplier’s, then you’re set.
Step 4: Do not invest thousands at your idea . Get started slowly, see what works and what doesn’t, and learn as you go. Remember that it’s very cheap to try out even the craziest ideas on eBay, and who knows, they might just work out for you.
Step 5: Keep trying different strategies until you find something that works, and then don’t be ashamed to keep doing it. You discovered something good that works.
Step 6: Know your market. Take a while to observe for what sells and what doesn’t out of the items you’re interested in selling.You will notice those one or two items that always seem to sell for a good price.
Step 7: Invest and expand: This is the time to throw money at the problem. Buy inventory, and start spending more time on your business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.
Step 8: Register yourself as a business once you start making money.
Step 9: Automate: You’ll probably find that you’re writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions. This is the time to give up on the manual method and turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.
Step 10: Even when it looks like it’s all going wrong, don’t stop trying until you succeed. Be consistent with your selling.
Hope these tips will help you be on your way to a successful ebay business.
Step 1: Work out a business plan: A business plan doesn’t need to be anything formal, just a few pages that outline the market opportunity you’ve spotted, your strategy, strengths and weaknesses of the plan and a brief budget. This will allow you to stay organized and see your vision on paper so that you can follow through. (For more on organizational tips go to )
Step 2: Watch the competition. Before you invest any money, see what the other sellers are up to, and what their strategies are. Pay attention to any flaws their auctions might have, being a mystery shopper will be the wise thing to do.
Step 3: Get hold of a supplier for whatever it is you want to sell, and see what the best rates you can get are don’t be afraid to ring round quite a few to get the best deal. If the eBay prices you’ve seen are higher than the supplier’s, then you’re set.
Step 4: Do not invest thousands at your idea . Get started slowly, see what works and what doesn’t, and learn as you go. Remember that it’s very cheap to try out even the craziest ideas on eBay, and who knows, they might just work out for you.
Step 5: Keep trying different strategies until you find something that works, and then don’t be ashamed to keep doing it. You discovered something good that works.
Step 6: Know your market. Take a while to observe for what sells and what doesn’t out of the items you’re interested in selling.You will notice those one or two items that always seem to sell for a good price.
Step 7: Invest and expand: This is the time to throw money at the problem. Buy inventory, and start spending more time on your business. Set a goal number of sales each week, increasing it each time.
Step 8: Register yourself as a business once you start making money.
Step 9: Automate: You’ll probably find that you’re writing the same things again and again in emails or item descriptions. This is the time to give up on the manual method and turn to automated software that can create listings for you, and respond to completed auctions and payments with whatever message you provide.
Step 10: Even when it looks like it’s all going wrong, don’t stop trying until you succeed. Be consistent with your selling.
Hope these tips will help you be on your way to a successful ebay business.
Is Jan 1 2010 the new decade?..No
Some are saying the new decade started Jan 1 2010. It has not. It begins Jan 1, 2011. Why? Because a decade is every 10 years. The calendar began at year 1, there was no year 0.
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