Thursday, December 17, 2009

Stress skills for teens..

Stress Skills for Teens

by: Amy Otis, RN

to Deal with Stress!
Totally Losing Your Cool).

Get rid of what's causing
the stress - if you can, (no, that doesn't mean
your younger brother or sister or your parents).

Change your attitude toward what's causing the
stress. (Easy to write, harder to do). Write down
what is causing you stress and how you react to
it. Then take a nice deep belly-breath.

Face up to what's causing the stress until it
isn’t stressful anymore. See “
the Bullying
” article if need be.

Avoid hassles. Identify the things that stress
you out and eliminate them or prepare yourself
to cope with them. Take a day off, that's what
weekends are for.

Pursue a new hobby or sport. Take time to do what
you enjoy, not what other people want or 'expect'
you to do. Start keeping a journal. Writing down
your thoughts and emotions can relieve a lot of
stress and also help you see your creative side.

Don't deny or repress your emotions, this only
compounds stress. Don't be afraid to cry, crying
can relieve anxiety and let out bottled-up
emotions which will relieve feelings of stress.

Work on creating a stress-free
place in your home. Your room should be a safe
stress-free place for you to go to. Decorate it
so you find it calming, soothing and safe.

Family and Friends. When you can talk to your
parents in a loving and secure family, then that
can help relieve a lot of the stress that you
bring home from other places. BUT home is not
heaven for a lot of teens and you can often run
into many stressful situations there as you would
anywhere else. You may have a close friend or
a friend's parent(s) that you can talk to instead.

If you feel you simply cannot handle the stress
in your life, consider outside help. You may be
able to talk to a guidance counselor at school,
or you may want to consult a qualified counselor
or other practitioner who can help you handle
your problems and learn effective stress reduction
techniques. It’s often beneficial to talk
with someone who can offer an objective response
whether a trusted friend or a professional counselor.

be afraid to try new ideas. Try
or Tai Chi, both are good for
you and you don't necessarily have to be a jock to do them
or benefit from them. Chill and good luck from coolnurse

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